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DSO Event: “Be still”

7 October 2009

[H/T:  Pearls Before Swine]

From the DSO e-newsletter:

“Contemporary Society, with all its busyness and pressures, makes it difficult to rest in the presence of God and to find renewal in the quiet. A new formation program, Be Still is an opportunity for participants to grow in their connectedness to God and their fellow Christians through traditional Christian meditation practices, such as Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina (praying with scripture). For hundreds of years, Christians have discovered that intentionally being still in God’s presence provides meaningful direction, leads to a sense of well-being, reduces stress, and instills purpose in life. Living Contemplatively begins with ourselves, but leads us in the end to embrace deeply, not only our truest self, but God, neighbor, and all of creation.”

This is what the official website of the Carmelites has to say regarding the practice of Lectio Divina:

“The Bible is the Word of God which is always alive and active, always new. Lectio Divina is a traditional way of praying the Scriptures so that the Word of God may penetrate our hearts and that we may grow in an intimate relationship with the Lord.”

Note, in particular:

a)  Who states why Scripture is used, and what they say about it;

b)  The goals as related to Self, of the Episcopal statement, vs the end goals of the Carmelite statement;

c)  The brevity of the Carmelite statement.

Lest the reader write off the Carmelites as “spiritual gluttons,” let’s take a gander at their ‘Who We Are,’ page:

“Carmelites live their life of allegiance to Christ through a commitment to seek the face of the living God (the contemplative dimension of life), through fraternity, and through service (diakonia) in the midst of the people.”

In other words, for a Carmelite, service to their neighbor is a by-product of their relationship with the Lord.  And having a great relationship with the Lord is their goal in the exercise of Lectio Divina.

The Episcopalians seek to enrich Self.  That’s what they consider ‘Christian Formation.’

What a stinking embarrassment. 

– Elder

Categories: DSO Events